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TIP 1: refresh/reload page (keyboard F5), TIP 2: change user nickname

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User Account/Profile

Having two or more user accounts is not allowed. All duplicate accounts are deleted once, up to a maximum of two times. If you continue to create duplicate accounts after a warning from the chat administrator (chat staff), each duplicate account will be banned. Indecent, offensive, vulgar, provocative, demeaning, and sexually explicit usernames are also not allowed. Usernames in Cyrillic are not permitted. Any username in Cyrillic will be changed to Latin characters. User accounts (nicknames) with only one letter or only numbers are not allowed. If you register with such an account, chat administrators will contact you in your inbox (private message) and change your nickname. Nude, provocative, vulgar, disturbing, demeaning profile pictures/avatars and profile background images are not allowed, nor are images of weapons, blood, images depicting any form of violence and hatred, sexual orientation, or symbols of other chats. All such images (avatars) and profile backgrounds will be IMMEDIATELY DELETED. You can request a change of username/nickname from the chat administrators, with each nickname change allowed every 3 months. You can activate the deletion of your user account in your profile options, and after 7 days, the chat system will automatically delete your account. If you want immediate deletion, contact the chat administrators (admins) or owner. All user accounts/profiles that have been inactive on the chat for longer than 6 months will be automatically deleted by the chat system.

Chat Language The official language of the chat is Croatian. Other languages from similar linguistic areas such as Bosnian, Serbian, etc., are allowed. Writing in Cyrillic is not permitted. For writing in foreign languages such as English, German, etc., use the room on the chat named "English speaking room".

Prohibited on the Chat: Advertising other websites (spam), radio stations, and all other chat websites is not allowed. All forms of pornographic and pedophilic websites, texts, images, links, gifs, are prohibited. Images, gifs, links of weapons, blood, and all forms of drugs are prohibited. Insulting and ridiculing the CHURCH AND FAITH with pictures, drawings, gifs are prohibited. Images, drawings, links, gifs of Nazi, fascist, Ustasha, Satanist, occult signs and symbols are prohibited. Transmitting any data, information, texts, images, links, gifs, voice messages, videos that are disturbing, false, threatening, that spread hatred and violence individually or towards any group, faith, or nation is prohibited. All forms of misuse of others' data, numbers, information, and images are prohibited. Quarreling, swearing, slander, accusations, provocation, insult, threats, blackmail, and all forms of intimidation, spreading hatred, violence, and all forms of discrimination are prohibited. Insulting others' families, children, mothers, and fathers is prohibited. Writing in capital letters (which implies shouting) is prohibited. Putting music one after another, as well as all forms of public spamming with gifs, drawings, images, voice, and textual messages are prohibited. Insults based on national and religious grounds are prohibited. Provocative, vulgar images, gifs, drawings, links are prohibited. Public sharing (screenshots) of private messages (inbox) is prohibited. Creating a new user account if you are muted or kicked from the chat is prohibited. Any newly created account will be banned, and it will be deleted only when the mute or kick is removed from your existing account. Songs by Ceca, partisan songs, Chetnik, Ustasha, Yugoslav songs, as well as any that incite violence or hatred and insult on a national basis are prohibited.

Respect other users on the chat.

If there is any tension among users, try to resolve it in private messages or you can click on the user's avatar, select ACTION, and put them on the ignore list, and then that user won't be able to write to you in private messages, nor will you see their public posts and messages. Also, if you wish, you can LOCK your private messages (inbox) in your profiles.

For any problems or tensions, you can also contact the chat administrators.

You can report all inappropriate images, texts, drawings, links, gifs, voice messages on public chat to the chat administrators by clicking on the small flags on the right side of the public chat.

All inappropriate, vulgar, disturbing, threatening images, gifs, drawings, links, voice messages, suspicious emails you receive in your inbox (private messages) can be screenshotted and REPORTED to the chat administrators in their inbox (private messages), and such messages will be immediately removed from the chat.

User Responsibility

Use the chat at your own risk, and you are solely responsible for your posts. Everyone has the right to their opinion on the chat, and respect other users. If you only want to listen to music on the chat, you can do so in the Music room. Playing music via the YouTube icon is limited. When the song limit is reached, you can play music via copy-paste or using a link. If you want to find out in which room and when a user was last seen, simply type the command /seen on the public chat. This option is visible only to you. There is also a user search engine on the chat, available to everyone. If you are bothered by ads on the chat, install ADBLOCK on your devices. Please do not interfere with the work of chat administrators. If you do not follow the chat rules or violate them in any way, administrators may warn or mute you, i.e., prohibit you from writing on the chat, or you may be kicked out of the chat for a while or banned (removed from the chat) permanently or until revoked. Do not ask administrators to remove someone from the chat unless that user is breaking the chat rules.

Chat Administrators/Staff

Staff may, without prior notice or warning, remove you from the chat if they deem that your attitude or posts endanger the reputation and well-being of the chat or other users. Chat staff are not responsible for user posts and views. Chat staff have the right to remove the status below your nickname if it is inappropriate, vulgar, provocative, or threatening. Chat staff does not have to be fair or represent justice. They are there to solve problems and protect the well-being and reputation of the chat and all users. Chat staff are responsible for all rooms on the chat, including those created by VIP users, and have oversight of all rooms. Chat staff deletes the main room and also has the right to delete other rooms on the chat if necessary. The rules that apply to the chat also apply to all other rooms on the chat. The owner of the chat (Owner) has the right to delete rooms on the chat that have been inactive for a long time (maximum of 30 days) or are not active at all, and rooms can also be automatically deleted by the chat system. Chat staff consists of: Chat Owner (Owner), Superadmin, Admin, and Moderator. The staff room on the chat is called STAFF. Users do not have access to this room.

Chat Guests

Occasionally, the option GUESTS is opened on the chat. Anyone can enter as a guest, even existing registered members. Inappropriate, vulgar, offensive guest nicknames are not allowed. We will change or remove all such names from the chat. Guests can be denied access to some rooms on the chat. All new guests have the opportunity to register on the chat if they wish. Every guest has the right to enter the chat as many times as they want, provided they respect all chat rules.

VIP Status

The symbol/sign for VIP is a diamond. VIP membership is free. VIP membership can also be gifted to good and active users on the public chat. VIP users have additional benefits and options on the chat, as well as VIP statuses. VIP users can also create their room on the chat if they wish, and they can request chat staff to delete their room. The option for VIP users to create rooms on the chat may also be revoked. We kindly ask all VIP users who have their rooms to ensure that their rooms are as active as possible and that they regularly delete them (using the command /clear on the public chat). The name of the room created by VIP users must be appropriate. Every VIP user, by opening their room on the chat, becomes the owner of that room and chooses their room admins (Room Admin) and room moderators (Room Moderator). Every VIP user has the right to request chat staff to remove their VIP membership if they wish. VIP users who cause problems and do not respect chat rules may have their VIP membership revoked without any prior notice.

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